Americans for the Arts
For more than 55 years, Americans for the Arts has been bringing people and organizations together through the arts. Today, the Americans for the Arts serves more than 6,000 individuals representing over 1,500 organizations across the United States.

Aspen Institute
As a partner of the Aspen Institute, Artist Rights Society is a lead underwriter of its Artist-Endowed Foundations Initiative (AEFI). ARS provides core support in the development and dissemination of educational information and resources. Check back here for 2020 programming.

Confédération Internationale
des Sociétés d’Auteurs et Compositeurs (CISAC)
ARS is proud to be the official United States visual arts member of CISAC, the Paris-based, umbrella organization overseeing the activities of international copyright collecting societies. As part of this international network of rights organizations, ARS maintains relationships with like-minded "sister societies" abroad. Through reciprocal agreements, ARS represents the artist repertories of its foreign sister societies in the U.S., and they in turn represent ARS' American repertory in their territories.

Copyright Alliance
The Copyright Alliance is the unified voice of the copyright community, representing the interests of thousands of individual creators and organizations across the spectrum of copyright disciplines. ARS is proud to be a member and supporter of the alliance’s dedication to advocacy policies that promote and preserve the value of copyright.

Copyright Society of the USA (CSUSA)
CSUSA is a nonprofit organization devoted to copyright law awareness and education. ARS is a proud member of CSUSA and a supporter of the organizations mission to promote and advance the study and understanding of copyright law, and its role in fostering creativity and the arts.

International Authors Forum (AIF)
Representing over 700,000 authors worldwide, AIF campaigns for authors' interests across the globe. ARS is proud to support AIF in their mission to promote and defend both the moral and economic rights of all authors and to ensure that they receive fair and equitable remuneration for their works

Set Decorators Society of the USA (SDSA)
SDSA is the only nonprofit organization dedicated to the support of set decorators. ARS is a member of SDSA and supports its mission to promote, to entertain, inspire, teach and preserve the legacy of set decorators in motion pictures and television.