
Saul Steinberg. Untitled (Pineapple). c. 1970.
Pencil, colored pencil, collage, watercolor, ink, and rubber stamp on lithograph. Private collection. © The Saul Steinberg Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
The Saul Steinberg Foundation
ARS has been handling rights requests for The Saul Steinberg Foundation for sixteen years, to the great benefit of the Foundation. The processing of rights requests can be a complicated, time-consuming operation for the individual artist or artist’s representative. By turning over all the paperwork and bookkeeping to the efficient people at ARS, the Foundation is relieved of this task. Most important, the inclusion of the ARS credit line in captions and photo credits announces that a large, prestigious organization stands behind the artist.
Sheila Schwartz
Research and Archives Director,
The Saul Steinberg Foundation

Jacob Lawrence. Library II. 1960.
Image: The Jacob and Gwendolyn Knight Lawrence Foundation / Art Resource, NY ©2020 The Jacob and Gwendolyn Knight Lawrence Foundation, Seattle / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
The Jacob and Gwendolyn Lawrence Foundation
Before signing with ARS permissions requests were a mess, with so much time spent answering and returning phone calls, issuing invoices, collection, you name it – not only has ARS relieved us of the tedious responsibility of issuing various permissions, they monitor the landscape for legal issues. Most importantly, ARS has persistently fought for the rights of the visual artist to receive residual payments for work sold on the secondary market. It’s doubtful that the Lawrence Foundation would be able to exist without the professional assistance and leadership that ARS provides.
Walter O. Evans
President of The Jacob and Gwendolyn Lawrence Foundation –
ARS member for over 15 years

Alexander Calder. My Shop, 1955.
Calder Foundation, New York / Art Resource, NY. © 2020 Calder Foundation, New York / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
The Calder Foundation
As the Calder Foundation’s rights representative for nearly twenty years, ARS has provided invaluable support for the Foundation’s efforts to safeguard Alexander Calder’s intellectual property. Their staff is knowledgeable, attentive, and has developed a thorough understanding of the Foundation’s priorities. Working with ARS to field copyright requests and patrol for infringements has allowed the Foundation to streamline our rights management process, saving us considerable time and energy. Having ARS as our trusted representative enables us to most effectively administer our rights, and affords us considerable peace of mind.
Jane Pakenham
In-House Counsel, Calder Foundation

Etienne Delessert
“I just received my first-ever Reprographic Royalty check: what an amazing achievement for both ASIP and The Artists Rights Society. I evidently followed your campaign over the years, you had courage, perseverance in that generous effort and I am very grateful, deeply grateful for it! Let me know if I can be of any help, I’ll be there.”
Etienne Delessert, Author and Illustrator